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Welcome to my personal portfolio. This is a space where I showcase my projects and share my journey. Feel free to explore and get to know me and my work.

ALPHA: A Smart mirror

•These projects empower hobbyists to transform conventional mirrors into personalized, interactive marvels. By integrating displays, sensors, and software, enthusiasts infuse mirrors with intelligence, displaying live updates like news snippets, and daily schedules


•In essence, a smart mirror consolidates information and functionalities into one central location, providing convenience and accessibility during daily routines.


Census Income Prediction with CI/CD  Deployment

Role: Developer & Cloud Architect

Employing AWS tools such as SageMaker and CodeDeploy, I've constructed a streamlined CI/CD pipeline for my census income predictor. Automated tests verify accuracy, while CloudWatch monitors performance in real-time. This setup ensures efficient deployment, from model training to live application, optimizing reliability throughout. SageMaker handles model training, packaging, and versioning, while CodeDeploy automates deployment across AWS infrastructure. With this approach, I've achieved a seamless integration process, guaranteeing the reliability and efficiency of my model deployment while minimizing manual intervention and maximizing scalability.

Image by Kelly Sikkema : Smart Parking App 

Role: UI Designer

Design and develop a smart parking system to optimize the utilization of parking spaces in urban areas.Develop a user-friendly mobil application or web interface to allow drivers to
easily locate and reserve parking spaces.Enable seamless payment processing within the application for parking reservations and usage, supporting various payment methods.Design the system to be scalable to accommodate a large number of users and reliable to ensure continuous operation without downtime.
Promotion of sustainable transportation practices through the integration of eco-friendly features and support for electric vehicles.


Music Rating Recommender

Role: Developer & Cloud Architect

Utilizing AWS, I've engineered a Music Rating Recommender system with a robust CI/CD pipeline. AWS CodePipeline automates build and deployment processes, ensuring seamless updates. SageMaker handles model training, packaging, and deployment. Automated tests guarantee reliability, while CloudWatch monitors performance. This streamlined pipeline optimizes efficiency and reliability, from training the recommendation model to real-world application. With continuous integration and deployment, updates are efficiently rolled out, providing users with accurate and timely music recommendations while minimizing downtime and manual intervention.

Listening to Music



Participating in VNR VJIET's inaugural hardware hackathon on December 14-15 (2023) was an exhilarating experience. It marked our team's debut in pitching a business idea, a moment brimming with excitement and nerves. Collaborating with peers, we delved into innovative hardware solutions, crafting a concept we believed in. The event not only fostered our technical skills but also instilled confidence as we presented our vision to a panel. It was an unforgettable leap into entrepreneurship.



Participating in Geenovate, a national-level hackathon hosted at our campus (GCET) on March (15-16) 2024, was a transformative experience. Our team embarked on a journey of innovation, culminating in the creation of our inaugural app,, focused on smart parking solutions. Crafting code and concepts in a high-pressure environment, we honed our technical prowess while fostering collaboration and creativity. Presenting to a national audience was a defining moment, igniting our passion for technology-driven entrepreneurship.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-04 at 21.59.21_3e2ae633.jpg

T-Hub Pitching Competition

Our team's journey through the T-Hub Kickstart Program pitch competition has been nothing short of exhilarating. Against fierce competition, we emerged as the pioneers, securing the coveted spot for the next phase, Blitz by T-Hub. This accomplishment stands as a testament to our dedication and innovative spirit. I extend heartfelt gratitude to T-Hub for their invaluable support, alongside appreciation to the IIC coordinator and our college for facilitating this opportunity. My team members' unwavering commitment and collaboration have been instrumental. This milestone marks just the beginning of our entrepreneurial odyssey.

Team Meeting


IOT Workshop

Attending the IoT workshop facilitated by ABV Tech Company on our campus was an enlightening experience. Immersed in hands-on learning, we explored the intricacies of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, unlocking its potential to revolutionize industries. From sensor deployment to data analysis, we delved into practical applications, gaining invaluable insights into IoT's transformative power. The workshop not only expanded our technical repertoire but also inspired us to innovate and harness IoT's capabilities for real-world solutions.

Holding a Gadget

Web Development

Participating in the web development workshop on our campus was a gateway to the digital realm. Guided by experts, we delved into the intricacies of front-end. Crafting our first websites from scratch was both challenging and rewarding, as we transformed code into dynamic, interactive platforms. The workshop ignited a passion for web development, empowering us to create impactful online experiences and embark on a journey of continuous learning in the digital domain.

Web Design

Data science using Python

Participating in the data science workshop conducted by Brain O Vision from February 19th to 23rd, 2024, was an enlightening experience. Over the course of five intensive days, we immersed ourselves in the world of data analysis and machine learning using Python. From data wrangling to predictive modeling, we gained hands-on experience with popular libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn. The workshop not only equipped us with practical skills but also ignited a passion for leveraging data to drive insights and innovation in diverse fields.


Data on a Touch Pad
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